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The Call to Adventure

The main aim of Gamma Institute training courses in 2023 is to create the consciousness of youth workers identity and to define their professional role in the NGO area, in order to work together better in a multicultural context and to become more motivated in take initiatives in elaborating new projects and activities for youth.

The Call to Adventure

The second activity from 2023 it will be a Training Course for Youth Workers - "The Call to Adventure" and will have the following topics:
- to become aware of the call for adventure - the need for change and personal development
- to connect with the inner self in order to understand the signs of this call to change
- to develop the skills for guiding young people in the connection with their body and their inner self
- to integrate expressive methods through body expression, movement and dance in the daily work of guiding youngsters to their personal development process

GAMMA Projekty & Badania

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