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Identity & Change

The main aim of Gamma Institute training courses in 2022 is to create the consciousness of youth workers identity and to define their professional role in the NGO area, in order to work together better in a multicultural context and to become more motivated in take initiatives in elaborating new projects and activities for youth.

Identity & Change

The first TC will be Identity and Change: The story of youth work in a changing world and will have the following topics:
- teambuilding of youth workers from different NGOs in Europe with experience inErasmus+ projects, in order to improve their work together as an european network, in their projects and activities for youth
- needs & challenges of youth in the actual context (with postpandemic and war)
- youth work principles in Erasmus+ projects and youth workers identity (elements, how to define it and develop it on long term, inside an organisation)
- innovative methodology in working with youth - main principles on group dinamic and facilitation.

GAMMA Projekty & Badania

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