Intellectual Multiverse
Project description:
The Intellectual Multiverse project aims to develop innovative educational tools for adult learners with fewer opportunities that are receiving training or developing new skills. These educational tools will be created using a new approach based on the Multiple Intelligences Theory, which will facilitate inclusion and favour constructive learning pathways for all adults involved.
Funded by:
European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme (KA2)
The project objectives are:
To promote education equity through an alternative methodology based on multiple intelligences, in order to fully develop personal potential in the field of non-formal education of adults with fewer opportunities.
To improve adult educators’ skills in recognising and responding to personal needs in education, adapting to individual contexts and background, and to teach them the priorities of this process.
The expected results of the project are:
Bibliography revision about Multiple Intelligences Theory and its relation to the adult education field.
Investigation about adults’ needs and their satisfaction about education.
Training courses about Multiple Intelligences and their application.
Development of a toolkit to apply the methodology through different activities and games.
Creation of a final workshop to identify individual potential.

Aspaym Castilla y León (coordinator, Spain), Rosto Solidário (Portugal), CEIPES (Italy) y Gamma Institute (Romania).